South China HR English Website ( New homepage Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your comment is essential for us to improve our website
(It should take less than 30 seconds)
We would like to know what you think of our web site -
where we've done well and where we can do better.

 1、How easy was it for you to login

Very easy  Somewhat Easy  Very Difficult  No Opinion

 2. Are you satisfied with the visual design of new homepage of

Yes  No  No Opinion

 3. Are you satisfied with the content quality of

Yes  No  No Opinion

 4. Why do you visit (elect all that apply)

To browse job opportunities
To browse career or HR resources
To use online job searching service
Other (not listed)

 5. How much time per visit do you typically send at our website?

1-3 minutes  4-8 minutes  9-15 minutes
16-30 minutes More than 30 minutes

 6. How do you arrive at

Search Engine (Such as Google etc.) Friend Introduction
From  Friend links Other websites

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